Weight Loss

Weight loss program & sessions Is it time to finally start LOSING WEIGHT and feeling HEALTHIER

Therapy Info
(per session)
(local or distant consultation)
Mark Hockey
(session therapist)
The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.
-chinese Proverb

Is your WEIGHT one of your biggest problems?

Are you reluctant to try diet pills and undergo surgery?

Are you looking for the natural but highly effective way of losing weight?

Then your search is over!

I’m about to inform you about what is probably the most effective and natural way to lose weight.

It’s taking on board a mindset change to resolve the issue of why you eat the wrong foods and at the wrong times and maybe out of proportion, and also by speeding up your metabolism!

Fat residues create toxins, which are usually trapped in different parts of the body. They show in the form of cellulites. You can get rid of cellulites and burn your body fats the natural way through changing your eating habits and having a faster metabolism.
Improve your health & metabolism today!

Live an active lifestyle and be in total control of your life! Lose that weight & ignite your metabolism with the relaxing help of hypnotherapy.

Don't settle for diet club programs that do not resolve the underlying issues of why you put weight on, as most find when you stop you will end up putting it all back on and more.
Not all diet pills are effective. Worse, some of them have adverse side effects & may put your health at risk too.
Replacement meal drinks mostly hold additives and bad sugars giving you cravings to keep taking them, which adds sugar turning into bad fats... Check the ingredients.

Choose the safe, natural and healthy way with HYPNOTHERAPY with Maradels Holistic Therapy.

We do not do Die-ts as that scares the body into holding on to fat due to lack of food.
We encourage the mind/body to eat what it needs in proportion only healthy & nutritional foods, which is all the body requires and automatically stops when full.

Hypnotherapy can be a great tool for weight loss for several reasons:

  1. Changes in Mindset: Hypnotherapy can help people change their attitudes and beliefs about food, eating, and their bodies. By accessing the subconscious mind, a person can replace negative thoughts and behaviors with positive ones.
  2. Increases Motivation: Hypnotherapy can help increase motivation and commitment to a weight loss program. By tapping into the subconscious, a person can develop a stronger desire to reach their goals and overcome obstacles.
  3. Reduces Stress and Emotional Eating: Stress and emotions are often triggers for overeating and unhealthy food choices. Hypnotherapy can help reduce stress and regulate emotions, leading to healthier eating habits.
  4. Alters Habits: Habits and behaviors related to food can be difficult to change, but hypnotherapy can help alter these patterns by accessing the subconscious mind and replacing them with healthier habits.
  5. Increases Body Confidence: Hypnotherapy can help increase body confidence and self-esteem, which can be a key factor in maintaining a healthy weight. By developing a positive relationship with one's body, a person is more likely to take care of it and make healthier choices.
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Knowing is making a difference

At Maradels we pride ourselves on helping others to be free from illness: it is a process of change and growth towards a mentally and physically healthy lifestyle.
A word from some Clients that have reached that plateau in their own lives.
Experience it Yourself
The session was amazing mark instantly made me feel relaxed and was able to discussy issues in great depth
Michael Nicklinson
He is very professional and really makes you feel comfortable and the best part of it is that it actually works
Murphy Stevens
When nothing goes RIGHT...

Let us show you how you can create a positive in your life :

  • Open your mind to new possibilities
  • Overcoming Challenges
  • Igniting your Curiosity
  • Expanding your life

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