Emotional Energy Clearing

With each emotion comes energy because everything is made of energy, some of the lower, denser emotions can leave a…


Emotional Energy Clearing


With each emotion comes energy because everything is made of energy, some of the lower, denser emotions can leave a lower vibrational energy that can get stuck as its not in flow with the frequency at the rest of your body's vibration. With this treatment using Kinesiology muscle testing I can find out quickly which […]
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With each emotion comes energy because everything is made of energy, some of the lower, denser emotions can leave a lower vibrational energy that can get stuck as its not in flow with the frequency at the rest of your body's vibration. With this treatment using Kinesiology muscle testing I can find out quickly which emotions are stuck within the body, some that you may not even remember having as they can go back to when you was very young and even in the womb.

Emotions can also get absorbed from other people around us, meaning an emotional situation didn't happen to you directly but you witnessed it, the emotions were so powerful that you can take on as your own. A lot of the time we do not realise we have these trapped emotions but if left they can lead to aches, pains, ill health or disease. Also, most of us will have trapped emotion around our heart area where we can build a wall to protect ourselves from more emotional hurt and heart ache.

These trapped emotions are quick and easy to remove by just releasing it from the body's magnetic field via the main meridian Governing line. Meridian lines are the body's energy channels which acupuncturist use, no needles are used in this therapy, it is released by passing a magnet over the meridian line.

If you have any questions regarding this therapy please do not hesitate to contact us.



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